Thursday, March 5, 2020


Bloodborne is one of my favorite video games EVER! Genre, design, atmosphere, play mechanics, and story are all unmatched. A work of art! "A Hunter is Never Alone."

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Blade of the Immortal

Manji from Blade of the Immortal. Sort of... I bought the whole set of graphic novels at SDCC about 20 years ago but they've been stashed in storage throughout my many moves. Now that I will have a dedicated office soon, I can finally dig them out and read them!

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Silver Surfer

Been picking away at this, little by little when I have spare time. More of a study on nit picking and time killing than having a master plan.

Thursday, January 10, 2019


Birthday card preliminary for Jenn back in January 2018. @barkydog 


One for my online friend, Jaqueline. I am horrible at likenesses but draw something goth? I'm in!

Monday, October 16, 2017

Ghost of Sparta

I've been playing God of War 3 and working on this fan art of Kratos a little at a time after work. I added hair on him that no-one asked for and because I can't help myself. Don't hate me.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Last of Us

It only took me three years to finally play Last of Us since @barkydog got it for me, Christmas 2013. It is everything people have been saying about it. Absolutely loved it! ... Then it took me another few months to do some fan art. Can't wait for Last of Us 2!

Monday, March 6, 2017


Trying to make time to draw a little. Having problems with this face.

Friday, November 11, 2016


Sketching in the little spare time I have to clear my head. But it only gives me more headaches. Need to get better...

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Ebony Wolf

My Skyrim Wood Elf character in Ebony Mail. He became a vampire during the DLC.

Thursday, May 5, 2016


"The moment she realized what was happening, that the universe was changing, that she was growing older... She was no longer Delight; and the blossoms had already begun to fall in her domain, becoming smudged and formless colors... Then she went to see him. And he said "Del, it's okay." He just held her until she gained control once more. They watched the sunset for a bit. Then he said "Del. Things are changing." She knew it was true. And there was nothing she could do about it." -Neil Gaiman

Friday, April 15, 2016


Dream's favorite sister. " From the darkness I hear the beating of mighty wings.."

Friday, April 8, 2016


Of all the titles I collected in the 80's, Neil Gaiman's Sandman was my all time favorite. It spoke to my angst ridden, confused, teenage soul. His beautiful, horrifying, and romantic stories inspired, challenged, and comforted me. These stories really left it's impression upon me.

Friday, August 7, 2015

Monday, May 11, 2015


Really enjoying this Netflix series! Thanks to my buddy Jojo Aguilar for the second pair of eyes and help with the photoshop-ing. I am slow to learn ...

Edit: The sky looked plain so added impressionistic "sonar" rings and some blur.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Razor and Aya

An old picture that I started when we finished up on the Green Lantern: The Animated Series. It's been sitting on my computer unfinished for a few years. I intended to do a background and some effects but once again I got lazy. One of these years I am going to finish up stuff up while it's still fresh instead of leaving it for years and losing interest.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Elric of Melnibone

I've been working on this off and on in my spare time and think I am done with it. It seems like completion is wholey dependent on when I get tired of looking at it nowadays. Elric of Melnibone was a character that struck a huge chord with me when I was an adolescent. Tortured, tragic, anti-hero. Forging destiny? Or slave to fate. Great stuff for an overly emotional and sentimental emo kid! Happy New Year!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

PS2 Resident Concepts

More concept art for that old PS2 game that got shelved. Concepts of the background people that inhabit the game. The world was 40s inspired but I looked at anything vintage. JC Leyendecker was definitely an inspiration (even though it probably doesn't look like it).

These were concepts for the workers around the city. It gave me an opportunity to incorporate some military elements, spats, jodhpurs, and leather which are always fun to design.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

PS2 Girl Concepts

Concepts of a few character variations for Sony Playstation 2. Some goth inspired girls and a motorcycle girl.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Legolas vs Azog

My girlfriend's son, Tomi, wanted me to draw him a picture of Legolas. I was hoping to do something simple but the the more I put it off the more I got art directed. A picture of Legolas became Legolas in an action pose shooting arrows into an orc. I decided to put in Azog (who Legolas never fights) and have Legolas wearing Narsil (which isn't his sword). I drew Azog pretty loose since this was taking me forever thinking I would be done with it. Tomi loved it! But ... he had more notes :( "Could you tighten up Azog and add some arrows sticking out of him? Pleeeeesseee!" ... And here it is. Art: me, Art Direction: Tomi Lin.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Old PSM Lineart

Old illustrations for Playstation Magazine back in the late 90's.

Grey Fox from Metal Gear Solid and Sephiroth from Final Fantasy 7. I think this was for best "bad guys" in video games of that year. It's been touched up a little from the original since the internet was new back then and I didn't have much reference for Grey Fox. I don't even think he had a name back when the first MGS game came out. He was just referred to as the "Ninja"

Solid Snake and Grey Fox (Ninja) from Metal Gear Solid.

Leon Scott Kennedy (thanks Wikipedia!) from Resident Evil
II facing off with an Umbrella agent.