Friday, November 9, 2012

Batgirl and Robin

Originally this was a study for a piece I was going to do for a friend. Ultimately it didn't happen but I still kind of liked the rough so decided to clean it up and put some tones on it. These were based off of the Young Justice design done by Phil Buorassa and slaughtered by my own incapability of drawing any other way.


Anonymous said...

Oh Sam, your stuff is so good. Robin is my favorite DC character. You did an awesome job on it as usual.

sam liu said...

Thanks Will, you are too kind as always!

Jen Zee said...

RAD <3 <3 <3! Always such a pleasure to see new art from you :).

sam liu said...

Jen! You are too kind! It's rare nowadays but I do get the itch to draw every blue moon or so :p

What to draw said...

Cool style, dynamic. I like unfinished lines like this. Thanks for sharing.

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